Monday, August 19, 2019

Day 62, CR 623 to Yorktown, Virginia 35 miles

I'm sorry this is so overdue.  I've been waiting for my family to send me pics and videos.  I'm still waiting...

Yesterday I pedaled along the bike path to CR 623.  I decided that this would allow me about 2.5 hours to the monument in Yorktown and be able to coordinate better with my family.  My sister and I got notice from my brother that they would likely be at the monument around 12:30 or so.  We high tailed it to drop me off and get me going.  The pressures on...

I had about 10 miles of bike path left and with it being a Saturday it was busier that the day before.  I met a couple of other cyclist who showed me how to get to the Colonial Parkway near Jamestown.  I had been warned that the surface of the parkway was stone embedded in concrete.  They weren't kidding.  This was an awful riding surface.

As I approached Yorktown, I met a couple of other cyclists (Steve and Greg) who had completed yesterday.  This was their 44 year reunion ride.  They blazed their own trail across the US in 1974 before the Bikecentenial.  Can't even imagine.  We chatted for a bit while I waited for some message telling me my family was at the monument.  Never came.  Finally, I texted and found out they had been waiting for about a half hour!

So, with much fanfair, I was greeted at the monument.  A park sheriff kindly took our family photo and was telling everyone around what the fanfair was about.  Not really sure what people thought as we took photos of me at the monument.  It was nice having my family there to support my effort though.

Chickahominy River

Williamsburg, VA

Williamsburg, VA

Colonial Parkway.  One horrible riding surface.  No traffic markings
for two way traffic either.

Closing in on the finish

Lincoln got the first bite...  :)

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